The Best Hair Styles For Long Hair
Fashion & Style Hair

The Best Hair Styles For Long Hair

Published at 03/29/2012 21:43:29


The Best Hair Styles For Long Hair

Hair styling is so important and crucial to set your entire look for any day out or even if you have guests arriving. If you are carrying clothes with great panache and are looking stylish, you need a good hair style to complete the look or risk ruining it overall. It is rather simple to look great will shorter hair because they require minimum styling and are always ready to go with just as wash. The hardest part is managing styles for long hair because not only are they high maintenance, but need lots of effort to perfect.


Everyone is probably aware of the fact that different decades entailed different hairstyles for women. During the Marilyn Monroe era women chose to wear their hair tied up with pins and combed back sleekly for a rather crisp yet fluffy look. The 1980s saw a change with the hairstyles for long hair and women preferred to keep them in a shorter length so they could be given a wild outlook or texture using tons of cream and hair sprays. Excessive blow-drying was common and the hair didn’t follow any styling procedures and were kept loose and free. The next decade was a bit calmer because women preferred to give hair less volume and let it breath with great ease and less hassle.


There are a considerable number of styles common for long hair that can be chosen by women depending upon the event under consideration. For visits to the beach and just to the shopping women can obviously let their hair loose, just tying them with a few pins and bright clips to look summery and fit the part. However, it is also common for women with straight hair to curl or crimp them for a diverse look. Women with curly or wavy hair can also straighten them for a great shiny look. For women going somewhere during summers or for a rather professional event it would be a good idea to tie up hair. Hair can be tied up in three convenient and hassle free ways which require guidelines to be strictly followed. Firstly, a high or low pony tail can be made to contain the hair from falling all over the place. Secondly, for long hair women can also do a French braid which requires great precision and effort, so some tend to avoid it. But, it gives off a rather neat look. Thirdly, it is a brilliant idea for women with long hair to style it up by tying it in a stylish bun. For all these mentioned styles all you need are a couple of pins and hair ponies and you’re good to go.

Tips and comments

The hair style you might choose for long hair depends largely on your face structure and other related factors. Color of hair is also an important deciding reason; the lighter the color the more you should open it to make it seem more voluminous. Women with a small bone structure should tie their hair and leave it open. Lastly, for long hair it’s a great idea to keep it healthy otherwise it probably will not ever look good no matter what the style is.
