Options For Permanent Hair Removal
Fashion & Style Hair

Options For Permanent Hair Removal

Published at 02/25/2012 20:44:44


Options For Permanent Hair Removal

Be it men or women, both want to get rid of unwanted hair. However, women seem to be keener on looking out for a solution to the removal permanent hair or some individuals the problem goes back to their genes relating to heredity issues. For many women it can be seen to be in direct correlation to their hormonal changes, which maybe even linked to menopause or other medical conditions that may comprise of polycystic ovaries or in some cases they may be linked to the secreting hormone. Therefore, some women want to get rid of their excessive hair, as they find the growth to be undesirable so they opt for the removal permanent hair.


Options For Permanent Hair Removal

One of the most effective ways of ensuring permanent removal of hair is to use the pulsed light or more commonly known as the laser. What happens in this process is that energy travels down the entire hair shaft going right down to the follicle where it aims at eliminating the hair roots. The effect this has on the hair follicle is that it weakens it, enabling the hair to fall out since the root has been weakened. Nowadays, the new laser Duet is used that involves suction with laser enabling high quality results. This allows the beam in penetrating deeper down into the hair follicle. This technology permits doctors in treating larger areas especially, in one go. The best part is that laser hair removal is a technique that can be used everywhere and anywhere on the body. Laser hair removal only requires from 5 up to 7 sessions, and a follow up about once a year proves to be sufficient.


Options For Permanent Hair Removal

Another reliable method is the use of electrolysis, which is permanent hair removal. In this process a tiny needle penetrates right into the hair follicle socket until it reaches down to the cell that has been responsible for all the hair growth. What electrolysis does it is kills down the cell that used to cause hair growth. As a result, the hair comes right out and there are no chances of it growing back again. The third permanent method is the use of a cream known as Vaniqa or eflornithine 13.9% which is known to be a prescription cream that is tropical in nature. It successfully works out as a blocking agent. It stops an enzyme that can trigger any sort of hair growth. Hair growth in that area becomes retarded without the use of the enzyme and it can eventually result in prohibiting any growth. The only drawback of this method is that the cream is extremely expensive and so it can only be used on areas such as the face.

Tips and comments

So all those women with dark unwanted hair, the good news is that laser technology is your new best friend. However, it is reported that laser is more effective on women who have dark and thick hair as compared to those with hair that are light and thin. Just make sure you choose the option that suits you best.
