Education Universities

Top 5 Universities India Has To Offer

Published at 02/27/2012 01:50:57


India is one of the world’s most diverse, interesting, and beautiful places in the world. The food there is delicious. The people are kind. And the education in India universities is some of the most intense in the world. To most Asian Indians, this is how people form the United States recognizes them; education is priority number one. To many, any amount is a good price to pay for more knowledge. This is the reason why they are so educated, because of their mindset.

Step 1

The top India universities boasts are always switching rankings among each other. The top spot this year is held by the university India ranked as third last year. The university I am talking about is Delhi University. Delhi University is one of the universities India is most proud of. The school there is very well-organized and has many events and other things to help make student life more exciting while on campus.

Step 2

The numbers of two spots this year are held by the same India University ranked as number two last year. Jawaharlal Nehru University is a rather small university; however, they are very good at what they do there. Quite, a bit of work has gone into it lately to make it more modernized and enjoyable to the attendees, they have quite a bit of student activism on campus, which makes it a great university to attend while trying to maintain a sense of belonging, known not only in India but also at an international level.

Step 3

One of the best universities India has produced, as of last year, but now Banaras Hindu University is number three this year. BHU is notable for many reasons. Number one being that it has the largest number of students that live on campus of any school in Asia, numbering over 24,000 students. With a school this large it is a little bit below average among the higher institutes but high among the more ‘average’ universities India boasts.

Step 4

University of Calcutta is number four among other universities India has a history rich that not many others can say they have. Like how there are three Nobel laureates that have a history related to the school. The workings are similar to that of the United States, majors; however, once you choose a major you cannot change it.

Step 5

Another one of India’s top universities is University of Madras. U of M is a research oriented university that has over 50 departments. But this school has many downfalls too, the examination fees are quite high. But that being said the price is still not very expensive if you are trying to get the best education possible.


So, as you can see, universities India has to offer are some of the best in the world. 

Sources and Citations

Not only do they allow students from different countries to get a great education but they also allow student there, particularly exchange students, to see just a little bit of everything the universities India has to offer, but also the culture they offer as well.
