Diseases Cancer

How Do Cancer Cells Develop

Published at 03/05/2012 17:09:14


Cancer is unfortunately one of the most common diseases within the human population. It takes an estimated 7.5 million lives each year. There are several different forms of cancer, some more life threatening than others may be. Unfortunately, there is no cure for cancer yet but the medical geniuses in the world hope that someday we will find a cure

How Cancer Develops

Our bodies are made up of several cells. When our bodies need them to, these cells multiply and divide. Unfortunately, at times our bodies decide we need all these cells when we really do not need the cells. In turn, this causes a mass of cells and a growth, called a tumor.

Cancer cells can be either benign or malignant. Benign cancer cells are actually non cancerous and can usually be removed by surgery and proper medical care. However, malignant cancer cells are cancerous and are considered life threatening. Malignant cancer cells will them multiply and divide, causing more and more cancer cells within our body.

When malignant cancer cells begin invading our tissues and organs, that's where the real problem begins as it gradually spreads the disease. Cancer cells can also break away from other cancer cells and begin invading our blood stream, this is commonly called metastasis. For most people, once the cancer cells have begin spreading uncontrollably, it is often too late to save them.

Symptoms of Cancer

There are many common symptoms of cancer, some are often misdiagnosed. Below are the symptoms:

Fatigue: Fatigue is a common symptom of cancer. However, regular fatigue can be dealt with and is not always linked to cancer. Chronic fatigue or persistent fatigue is what you need to worry about. Chronic fatigue will usually occur when the cancer cells are more advanced.

Dramatic Weight Loss: If you're losing more than 10-15 pounds unintentionally, then you may want to get to the doctor as soon as possible. As much as some of us would love that surprise weight loss, it really is a clear indicator that something is going wrong inside your body.

Fever: When dealing with cancer cells and cancer in general, you may experience a fever. Usually, a fever linked to cancer is described as a non painful fever, just more so a fever that comes and goes as it pleases. Night sweats can also be a sign that you're sick.

Pain: With cancer, pain is definitely something you will notice. Pain does not usually begin until later stages of cancer and it may effect practically any part of your body. The pain occurs when the cancer is spreading and starting to effect different organs in your body.

Treatment and Prevention

There are four common methods to removing cancer cells and to treat cancer. These four methods are called surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy/biologic therapy. If you do have cancer, your doctor (often a cancer specialist, called an oncologist) will assist you in deciding which treatment plan is the very best for you and your type of cancer.

There are some ways you can help in preventing cancer, such as, not smoking, eating right, exercising, avoiding being over weight, practicing sun safety, limiting red meats, limiting alcohol intake and knowing your family medical history. However, unfortunately, many people do follow these above prevention tips and still will suffer from this horrible disease.
