Diseases Cancer

What Is Esophageal Cancer

Published at 03/08/2012 22:29:38


There is a lot of interest that is drawn by the existence of diseases within the community. Intensity of the effects of such is seen to be a true reflection of human lifestyle and geographical setup. Cancer in one of the leading medical killer conditions in the world that represents as group of diseases that are localized or at times spread over an area of the body. When body cells experience an abnormal proliferation and active abnormal growth the situation is referred to as malignant growth which describes cancer. Esophageal cancer is a case when this condition affects the esophagus.

History of cancer of esophagus

Since the existence of man, there have been cancer cases and the gullet part of the body is not an exception when handling this issue of malignancy. Esophageal cancer is also known as cancer of the gullet and the cases were registered as early as in the 19th century. It is known that causes of cancer are constant with the most common factors being in play including long exposure to suns radiation, other industrial radiation emissions, carcinogenic chemicals like the organic benzene, habitual practices like overconsumption of alcohol and environmental factors contribute to the prevalence and initial establishment of cancer esophageal.


The medical condition of esophageal cancer is broadly categorized into two separate groups and this is due to the regions of attack by the cancerous cells. When the malignant growth is in the cells that are lining the esophagus, we refer to this as carcinoma of the squamous and the case is called adenocarcinoma when there is malignant growth within the tissues of the lower part of the esophagus and at this site, the affected tissue is the glandular tissues a the ones that are responsible for production of mucus. Gastroenterology studies have revealed that there is some association relation between some factors of the diet and esophageal cancer both the adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

This condition when suspected can be verified by diagnosis or even prior to this there can be screening tests done to try and arrest the situation before it establishes itself. Diagnosis of cancer of the esophagus is done by a number of stage tests that include histological examination through biopsy to ascertain the presence or absence of cancer cells. Esophagoscopy is used to take a pictorial view of the gut where suspected cancer of the esophagus is though to be. An instrument known as esophagoscope is used to take a view and the presentation of the gut and this can be shown on a screen connected to the machine and from here prints can be made. Use of barium swallow diagnostic technique involves the patient taking a solution of this salt and this is followed by a series of x-rays that reveal the chemical compound barium along the gut.

Signs and symptoms of cancer of the esophagus are clinically presented as pain in the chest accompanied by coughs; body mass wasting, constipation and experiencing of pain while swallowing food with general body weakness but there may be scenarios where there is asymptomatic state of the disease with the patient not feeling any clinical symptom or sign of esophageal cancer.

Tips and comments

Esophageal cancer can prove to be stubborn in response to therapy with many cases of death but when early steps are observed managing the condition can be achieved. Treatment of this condition involves the conventional ways of surgical removal, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and appropriate nutrition.
