Computers Monitors & Displays

6 Tips You Must Know About Server Monitoring

Published at 03/19/2012 21:28:35


 Any standalone computer is equipped to perform as network server containing the recommended features that will result to increased performance. In this manner, server monitoring is a must performed duties in order to provide users with satisfaction on fast network connection and high input and output performance.

Server monitoring duties differ a lot.  Server hardware services run for long period as long as the hardware components are reliable and durable. In order to increase reliability of the many types of server hardware, memory usage is one of the main server monitoring tasks to detect error, correction, redundant power supplies, and disks.

Another is serving monitoring in oriented operating system most often interacts with hardware sensor to detect circumstances like disk and processor failure, overheating that will prompt network server monitoring administrator to take the necessary measures at once. For users to avoid any server downtime, a perfectly managed server monitoring should be performed and following the guidelines below will prevent unpredictable server failure.

Step 1

CPU users are tracked down at process and server monitoring level. If server monitoring problem needs further investigation, try to check the server logs to determine the cause of the issue.

Step 2

Disk activity is directly proportional with the CPU utilization. Tracking for each disk partition to view which partition is experiencing countless loads than others.

Step 3

The memory used in each process in the system is recorded to determine the system allocation between different processes.

Step 4

The collection of reports and analyzes the network bandwidth usage that supply details to detect traffic patterns and device performance.

Step 5

Part of the server monitoring is the physical temperature of the server itself. It should be stored on special rooms that are equipped with air conditioning devices to reduce power consumption.

A RAM server is expected to be fast because the memory system is responsible in testing and correcting any detected errors that will make sure all data flow in the server is definite. Various types of server on the market are as follows: application server (supply services such as load balancing, security, data services, transaction support and management of large distributed systems), proxy server (acts as intermediary from clients requests to other server), catalog server (provide single point of information access), and a print server (device that connects printers to a network).

Other server types include: communication server (operates a carrier –grade common platform for communication), name server (host a network service that supply data to queries), database server (a program that supply database services to other computer programs), fax server ( installed in LAN that enables computers to receive and send fax messages), home server (private file and device sharing), file server (provide a location for shared access), game server (used to play multiple video games), sound server (provide access to soundcard and audio devices), and stand alone server (no external source access) and web server (communicates content through the Internet).


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