
One of the most common issues, faced by a number of desktop or PC users is with the speed. After the installation of a particular program or game, the speed of the desktop automatically reduced and it becomes sluggish. Other programs also take time in opening, execution and closing. This results in chaos an when you take it to the vendor he most of the time recommends to increase the memory desktop. By increasing the speed of the memory desktop, the system starts to work fine without any unusual delay. Some tips for memory of desktop are:
Step 1
Identify the need
The first thing to do is to make sure that there is a need for the memory desktop to be replaced or increased. Because in some cases, without nay investigation people change the memory but the system remains slow. So get the desktop system checked by a proper computer shop, take their opinion and then think of memory change.
Step 2
Research, window shopping
Before making any purchase it is better to research about the memory desktop. Decide how much memory you need and what are its different prices in the market. Who are its authorized sellers and what is the best price? Obtain quotes from different vendors, compare them properly and then decide.
Step 3
Buy from authenticated seller or vendor
There are a number of vendors in the market who sell memory desktop chips or card at lower rates. But they do not have any authentication of the company which means that the company will not accept any claim in case of damage or trouble. So, always buy original from authenticated seller.
look for maximum warranty and after sale service
Though almost all the electronic item comes with the warranty but it’s better to check and check the damages that it covers. The memory desktop vendor should give you warranty card along with the receipt. And it would be a plus if he commits to offer after sale service like servicing or installing etc.
Step 4
Search online for good deal
Online shopping of memory desktop, directly from the company is quite cheaper. The offline vendor keeps their commission which increases the overall cost. Buying directly from the company does not only reduce the cost but also deliver the product at your door step. You need not to go out. Online buying is cheaper than the real market buying.
Step 5
Take advice from an experienced person
It is better to take someone’s advice that you can trust for buying memory desktop. An experienced person can always give better suggestions and advise regarding the memory chip. That person can also help in negotiating the price and overall deal.

Check your system configuration
Checking system’s configuration before making final choice is also important. Check out how much memory does your desktop computer supports and of which make. If not done, you may end up buying the wrong memory chip and the money will be wasted.
Check during the given period
Some of the memory chips come with checking warranty lets say for 15 days. Try to check the memory desktop during that period and if any issue, get it changed during that period. Else you may end up loosing your money as there is very much chances of failure of electronic items